If you are 18-24 and unemployed, you need to join this programme and Head 2 Work!
This course will equip you with the necessary skills for employment and the opportunity to add 3 nationally recognised Level 1 qualifications to your CV.
The programme starts with on-line training sessions in the following areas:
- Exploring Job Opportunities
- Applying for a Job
- Interview Skills
- CV Writing
- Customer Service (Internal and External)
- Working with others in a Business Environment
- Understanding Employment, Business and Enterprise
There will also be opportunities to ‘meet the employer’ when they join scheduled workshops.
We are going to be with you all the way
All participants will have the chance to work on a social action project supporting the community.
You will receive on-going Information, Advice and Careers Guidance to help you to that next step. It may be further learning or employment, and we are here to help you progress.
If Head 2 Work sounds like the right choice for you, don’t delay, contact:
Keisha Bellingy
e: Keisha.Bellingy@RichmondandWandsworth.gov.uk
t: 07989 222 568
If you would like to see all that’s on offer through WCLL visit our website – www.wandsworthlifelonglearning.org.uk