Who's Who

Wandsworth Lifelong Learning is made up of a whole host of people who make learning in Wandsworth the best experience.

A group of people hugging together on a white background.

Our People

Designated Safeguarding Lead

A photo of Joss Stone Deputy Head of Wandsworth Lifelong Learning

Joss New

Deputy Head


Email Joss

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads

A photo of Santino Fragola Head of Wandsworth Lifelong Learning

Santino Fragola

Head of Lifelong Learning


Email Santino

A photo of Paul Brimecome Quality Assurance Manager at Wandsworth Lifelong Learning

Paul Brimecome

Quality Assurance Manager


Email Paul

A photo of Fauzia Ahmad a tutor from Wandsworth Council Lifelong Learning. 

Fauzia Ahmad


Email Fauzia