Business Helpline Apprenticeships Logo.

Business Apprenticeship Helpline

As part of our support to local businesses we are dedicating a helpline to help you identify how apprenticeships can work for your company.

Apprenticeships are for new entrants to the labour market but they are also for existing employees, looking to develop and/or gain accreditation for the skills they are already practicing in the workplace.

Working in partnership with Rinova, the UK partner on the Erasmus+ European Partnerships for Apprenticeships, the helpline will provide you with all the information you need to recruit and train an Apprentice in your business.

Wandsworth Lifelong Learning offers apprenticeships in the following areas:  Management, Team Leading, Customer Service, Business Admin, Support Teaching and Learning in Schools, Facilities Management and Health and Social Care. Visit our Employer page for more information.

For help, call: 07775 545 287


About Erasmus+ European Partnerships for Apprenticeships

The European Union Erasmus+ project: Get involved in EP4A: European Partnerships for Apprenticeships (EP4A) bring together intermediary organisations and VET stakeholders to build the capacities of intermediary bodies such as chambers of commerce, industry, trades and crafts supporting apprenticeships in SMEs and to support strong partnerships with social partners and other relevant stakeholders such as chambers and various competent institutions.

The project’s overall objective is “to contribute to the increased employability of young people in the partner countries” enabling them to meet the Europe 2020 and respective national targets.

To learn more about EP4A visit:


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